Saturday, October 22, 2011


I loved this movie. (I also think that main actor is looking pretty good.) It was such a great reminder of the sacrifices that we forget or maybe never knew of. It definitely left me in tears and gave me many impressions of attributes I need to work harder to obtain, and also things I need to teach my babe. I sometimes feel like there is so much in the world to distract us in our day to day lives - even just technology wise with cells phones with internet, tv, media, music just about everything we do includes some type of technology or entertainment. It's really nice some days to just turn it all off, leave the phone in a drawer, talk in the car to Mariah instead of listen to music, steer clear of TV and movies and just be old fashioned let your brain think for itself instead of being fed what to think through technology and media. I am humbled tonight by the things the pioneers before us endured, both in and out of the church. I hope to be proven as strong as them, what a blessing that would be!

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